The Collection of Mahe’s Writings

The Taj Mahal and the Importance of Record Keeping

There was not too long ago much babble around the Taj Mahal being an ancient Hindu temple.The Indian television news media covered extensively how the Taj Mahal is Tejo Mahalaya and the corridor in the Taj Mahal with several sealed doors is actually hiding Hindu idols. It was said that…

The Little Prince and My Lost Magic

I extracted a copy of ‘The Little Prince’ from a friend recently. I began reading it just now. It’s sweet. The illustrations are cute. There is honesty. I reached the part where the Little Prince wants the writer to draw a sheep for him. The writer draws several sheep but…


I feel terribly lonely. Some company would be lovely, thankyou!But I fear being with the shallow;and being shallow with them. It’s worse than loneliness. Ah, it’s one of those spells… I know what must be done, yes!I shall remain lone and suffer silently;only till it’s Monday again.And work will numb…

An Accidental Emending

Since coming back from my week long stay at grandmother’s village, my total mess of a sleep schedule has miraculously fixed itself. Perhaps this self emending is not too miraculous after all. In the village I would sleep on a charpayi on the roof with my grandmother, aunt, uncle and…

Thoughts on Jane Eyre

I decided to read ‘Jane Eyre’ when I came across a book review that went something like this; “Jane Eyre – the strongest woman I’ve ever known…”Sure, I wanted to read a classic about a strong woman. I wanted an example, an idol. How else am I to become strong?…

God Spoke To Me. He Says I Fart Rainbows.

It has, in this late hour of night, dawned upon me that I have been mercilessly ignoring, misusing, and wasting away the creative; artistic, if you may; energies that the Lord, high above, has been kind enough to bless me with. In quite moments of solitude; instead of reading some…

Frankly My Dear, Fuck You.

Good-bloody-morning, y’all! 7:44 am. It should be evident by now to your very small, stupid minds that I have woken up in a very bad, very angry, very shouty mood. I have woken up feminist today morning. With not even a single coat of sugar and no added frills, let…

How Did I End Up Here, After all?

On a new-found friend’s suggestion, this shall be the topic of today’s renderings. As per Papa’s plans, I was to be a doctor. He had high hopes. My father was going to be the first man from his ancestral village whose daughter went on to become a doctor. Once a…

Write Like You Talk

On May 2 2020, I woke up at 6 am. Did what I had to do; danced for exercise, attended an Algorithms online class, finished reading the last four chapters of Frankenstein, had a poetry discussion with a friend, this was then followed by a tonne of boring daily stuff.…

Writing this as I watch ‘Phantom Thread’ a second time

I am watching Phantom Thread again. I realize it’s one of those films that would give you a different flavor each time you watch it. I recall thinking, the first time I watched the film, that I essentially found their relationship toxic and dark. I am of a different opinion…

Mahe’s List of Super Cool Goals

There is so much I want to do and so little I actually do.In moments of sudden inspiration I am reminded of the many artistic goals I have and all the creative endeavors I must take in the only life I will ever life.But as the moment of sudden inspiration…

‘The Illegal’ and My Views on First Breaks

Logged in to Prime video and saw Suraj Sharma with his very Indian skin tone and semi Irrfan Khan vibes on the homepage banner. I suppose, the Amazon Prime new entry –‘The Illegal’, is Suraj Sharma’s only work after ‘Lie of Pie’. Long gap for an actor who shot to…

Waiting for May 2, 2021

May 2, 2021 will mark Satyaji Ray’s hundredth birth anniversary. I’m excited. Satyajit Ray is considered one of the greatest filmmakers of all time. The first Satyajit Ray film I ever watched was ‘Pather Panchali’. It had taken me several days to get over that film and start enjoying other…

Numbly Yours

Batdroppings and other shit. Here I begin. I begin writing a blog that would be added to the long list of useless blogs, spaming the internet and the readers’ minds. Blame be to that omnipresent force that pushed me to begin blogging. The force of loneliness and frustration. Omnipresent much,…

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