I feel terribly lonely.
Some company would be lovely, thankyou!
But I fear being with the shallow;
and being shallow with them.
It’s worse than loneliness.

Ah, it’s one of those spells…
I know what must be done, yes!
I shall remain lone and suffer silently;
only till it’s Monday again.
And work will numb me for good.

Published by probably_mahe

I sound my barbaric yawp over the rooftops of the world.

One thought on “KM

  1. You could go out and meet your city and love her
    Yes she’s old and full of decay
    But in her hidden folds lie treasure and stories

    So maybe you’d go out and fall in love with trees
    With their browns and their greens
    and their peaceful soliloquy

    Or you could just finally learn to love yourself
    For who you really are
    Your hidden folds and your stories
    (your very own peaceful soliloquy)

    Someday, when you do realise
    That the best person you could love is you
    That the only person who best understands you is you
    You’ll then find that miracle unfolding in you

    Of loneliness changing into serenity.

    (Or just ignore everything I wrote above and go take care of some stray doggies, or better yet, adopt one if you’re up to taking on responsibility! 😀)


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